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  • Denise


    Not your typical tutor! Metacognition + Strategy = More Efficient Studying! Let's tap into some brain research and find what works for you!

  • Masters: 
    Master of Arts in Education (University of Michigan)
  • My experience and interests in tutoring: Learning “how to learn” is one of the most important skills a student can achieve throughout his/her school experience. This is an opportunity for students to build confidence and think strategically about how to study. Depending on what is needed, students can try out various study strategies, design a system of organization both for their computer files and/or their papers and create study guide templates. Students will be asked to complete a short survey to help them reflect on their current study strategies so that we can maximize our time together. I have raised a son with dyslexia and ADHD so I understand how hard studying can be. As a teacher/administrator for my entire career, helping kids study smarter not harder is why I am here.

    Hobbies: Traveling, cooking, scrapbooking, camping

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